Starkey hearing aids have been around for over 50 years. What started as a hearing aid repair shop in 1967 is now an international hearing aid leader with a unique focus on fitness tracking and personal assistant features. Yes, you can talk to Alexa through your hearing aids.
Here's a breakdown of the company, their latest products, and how they stack up against other brands.
- 50+ hearing aid brands reviewed and rated by our team of hearing aid wearers and audiologists
- 200+ hours each month spent researching brands and care options
- 2,000,000 people shopped on Soundly in 2024
- 100% independently owned and operated
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- 50+ hearing aid brands reviewed and rated by our team of hearing aid wearers and audiologists
- 200+ hours each month spent researching brands and care options
- 2,000,000 people shopped on Soundly in 2024
- 100% independently owned and operated
Read more about our company, services and process here.
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About Starkey

One fun fact about Starkey? This brand is the only (yep, it’s true) United States-based company in the top 5 hearing aid manufacturers. Moving on from their roots as a hearing aid repair shop, Starkey began to manufacture hearing devices in 1970 (plus, the brand was a pioneer in offering 90-day trial periods).
Fast forward to the 1980s and Starkey was on the map: Ronald Regan was spotted wearing their hearing aids during his tenure as president.
Starkey Hearing Aids and Latest Technology

Consumers can expect new technology innovations—and products—from Starkey every few years. For example, in early 2023 the brand released the Genesis AI line which blends a hearing aid with a digital assistant and health tracker. It’s like an Apple Watch but for your ears.
So, how exactly are these hearing aid devices like a fitness tracker? Well, the Genesis Al counts steps, sends meeting reminders, detects falls, and even transcribes conversations. And that’s not all: Genesis Al has a beta translation feature that can translate conversations in real time.
Starkey Genesis Al Offerings

Considering Starkey? You'll start by choosing a style.
Below, we’ll break down Genesis Al’s full line up of hearing aids. With a range of sizes and styles, take a look at the most common fit types Starkey offers.
Genesis AI Behind the Ear and Receiver In Canal (RIC and BTE)
- Bluetooth capabilities
- Includes a rechargeable battery (up to 51 hours)
- Fitness tracking and virtual assistant features
- Capability for audiologist to make live remote adjustments
Genesis AI Invisible Hearing Aid (IIC)
- Tiny size makes it truly invisible,
- Uses a disposable size 10 battery
- Best for mild to moderately-severe hearing loss
- Does not allow Bluetooth streaming
- Allows remote programming after your first in-person visit
- Includes fitness tracking and personal assistant options
Genesis AI Completely In Canal Hearing Aid (CIC)
- Slightly larger than the entirely invisible style
- Uses a disposable size 10 or 312 battery
- Best for mild to moderately-severe hearing loss
- Smallest device on the market that allows Bluetooth streaming. Some people do not like the way the antenna looks sticking out of the ear. You can opt for the non, Bluetooth option if you prefer.
- Allows for two-way phone audio (like Airpods)
- Allows remote programming after your first in-person visit
- Includes fitness tracking and personal assistant options
Genesis AI Half Shell and Full Shell Hearing Aid
- The larger size that fills half of the ear or the full ear
- Includes a rechargeable battery
- Best for mild to severe hearing loss
- Allows Bluetooth streaming and two-way phone audio
- Allows remote programming after your first in-person visit
- Includes fitness tracking and personal assistant options
Next, you will need to select a technology level.
Starkey offers each of the above styles at four technology levels. Each time you go up a level, you get more features for an increased price.
The good news is that every level in the Starkey line of hearing aids has strong underlying technology and full customization to your hearing loss. We have some additional information on prices below.
Genesis AI 24
- Has 24 programming channels for more refined customization
- Offers 35dB wind noise reduction
- Offers 22 dB speech in noise reduction
- Offers all special features like Edge Mode, fitness tracking, tap control, translation, assistant, and transcription
Genesis AI 20
- Has 20 programming channels for customization
- Offers 19dB wind noise reduction
- Offers 12 dB speech in noise reduction
- Does not offer tap control or translation but does offer Edge Mode, transcription and assistant
Genesis AI 16
- Has 16 programming channels for customization
- Offers 10 dB wind noise reduction
- Offers 8 dB speech in noise reduction
- Does not offer transcription, tap control or translation but does offer Edge Mode and assistant
Genesis AI 12 (big feature drop off)
- Has 12 programming channels for customization
- Offers 10 dB wind noise reduction
- Offers 8 dB speech in noise reduction
- Does not offer Edge Mode, assistant, transcription, translation or tap control
Purchasing Starkey Hearing Aids
Ready to purchase a set of Starkey hearing aids? The brand is only sold through an audiologist. Below, here are the available purchasing options for Starkey.
1. Find a local audiologist on Google or Yelp.

Discover local providers with good reviews in your immediate area that match your hearing health goals. From there, schedule an appointment and meet with the professional. What can you expect from an audiologist intake visit? The audiologist will guide you through every step which includes an intake, hearing test, and product recommendations. As for pricing, you can expect to pay around $5,000-$7,000 for a pair of Starkey Genesis AI hearing aids (and you will not know the price until the end of the process). A word of advice: Call your audiologist prior to the meeting to inquire if they work with Starkey products or not.
2. Get a pre-negotiated price via a network.

Looking to save on hearing aid costs? Many national network care providers can offer lower prices at typically 25 to 40 percent cheaper. While these networks often work with medical providers and clinics you can find online, but will lower the cost before your initial visit. Want to compare pricing? Check out this link.
Starkey Hearing Aid Prices
Similar to other brands like Phonak, Oticon, and Signia, Starkey prices are in the same range. That being said, when you speak with an audiologist directly, they will typically quote between $5,000 and $7,5000 for a pair (based on the technology level).
Want to know more about pre-negotiated prices? Check out a sample across Starkey Genesis AI technology levels below.
Starkey Genesis AI 2400 Price Per Pair - $4,598
Starkey Genesis AI 2000 Price Per Pair - $3,598
Starkey Genesis AI 1600 Price Per Pair - 2,998
Starkey Reviews
Good news, Starkey reviews rate high, and their latest products on Hearing Tracker score 4.8/5.
We combed through some product reviews, and the feedback was nothing less than stellar. However, we did encounter some complaints about the app’s user experience and intricacy. Knowing this bit of feedback, we suggest asking your audiologist to walk you through the app.
I couldn't be happier with my hearing aids. It's great to understand people and the T.V. again.
John, OK
The hearing aids are great. Easy to use…with excellent sound quality. First time with rechargeable hearing aids…found it hassle-free. The devices pick up higher ranges much more clearly than my prior devices.
Keith, SD
This is my 4th set of hearing aids and I can say these are the best ones I've had.
Starkey vs. Oticon, Starkey, Phonak, Widex, and Signia

There are five large companies manufacturing the majority of hearing aids on the market. To boot, the brands all offer comparable levels of technology at similar prices.
Essentially, compare hearing aid pricing to buying a car. Just like most cars come from a few major auto makers, hearing aids are also largely designed and sold by a few big brands.
Think of Phonak, Widex, and Starkey as the BMW, Ford, and Jeep of hearing aid sellers and technology. And just like cars come in all shapes, sizes, and upgrades, major hearing aid brands have similar levels, sizes, plus bells and whistles.
In conclusion, hearing aids come in a range of technology that increase in price (much like a car).
So while a car might have more expensive features like touch screens and Bluetooth capability, a hearing aid has other deluxe features (aka, robust sound processing and more).
So—what makes Starkey different from other competitors?
- Starkey is made in the United States.
- Starkey stands out in custom molded products, where other brands cannot compare and do not pack-in nearly as much technology. This includes Bluetooth, rechargeable batteries, and other innovations.
- Starkey offers a berth of assistant and fitness services.
Ready to get started? If you’re in line with a premium price, want custom features, and need a product that elevates your lifestyle, Starkey products are simply a great fit.